Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing is declaring 2021, "The Year of the Rio."
We will highlight the Rio Grande Cichlid and try to raise funds to protect the waters of Texas!
This year long, virtual event will include different contests, articles, features, and prizes! Here is a portion of what will be included in this year long event:
- Follower/Reader Submitted Rio Grande Cichlid Photo Contests
- Monthly prize winners
- Grand Prize Winner announced at the end of 2021
- Reader Submitted Rio Grande Cichlid Fly Recipe Contest
- Articles and Interviews about the Rio Grande Cichlid and how to fly fish for them
- and More!!!
We have several great sponsors that have jumped on board to help put on this event. For their support in this, please support them as well, and tell them THANK YOU for supporting this great event. These sponsors include:
Current Tier 1 Sponsors:
With more sponsors to come soon! (If you, your brand, or your company is interested in helping or sponsoring The Year of the Rio, send me a message or an email.)
There will be a T-Shirt for sale soon, with proceeds going to protect Texas waters! I’ll post about that when it is ready.
Be sure to follow the blog and check the Facebook group for updates. More information to come very soon!!!
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