June is my birthday month, wooo-whooo! So to celebrate, Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing will host the June Four-Fish Fiesta, an online Texas Fly Fishing tournament.
- You must register for this event. You can register by signing up for just this June Four-Fish Fiesta, purchasing a full 2022 Membership to Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing, or by signing up with one of the other Membership Options. Registration for this even will close June 15th, 2022.
- There will be four (4) categories of fish that you can earn points in. Each category will have its own points system/allotment.
- Black Bass
- Panfish
- Trash
- Other
- Each category will have its own winner, and an overall winner will be crowned with totals from all four categories.
- Fish must be handled and photographed with care. Fish must not be foul-hooked, and must appear to be uninjured from the "catch and fight." Any fish submission that shows clear signs of harm (bleeding from the gills, covered in dirt or laying on the ground, broken jaws, or anything else deemed "too harmful" by Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing to the fish) will not count toward your points. IF YOU SUBMIT A FISH THAT IS CLEARLY, INENTIONALLY MISTREATED, YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED FROM THE TOURNAMENT WITH NO REFUND.
- For a picture to qualify as an entry:
- The fish must have been caught by the angler submitting the picture.
- The picture of the fish must have YOUR secret-code visible in the image at the time the picture is taken.
- The fish must have been caught using an accepted method of fly fishing. It must be caught on a fly rod, using fly line (yes, Tenkara will count, but no, a spinning reel attached to a fly rod will not.)
- The fish must have been caught during June of 2022.
- The species of fish must be clearly visible in the submitted picture.
- The "length" of the fish must be clearly visible, as well as the the measuring device (measuring board, tape measure, etc.)
- The fish must be measured with the mouth closed, and follow Texas Parks and Wildlife's Measurement Tips. Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing reserves the right to make measurement adjustments (reduce measurements) as deemed necessary to ensure fair competition as best as possible.
- All the attached info (Angler Name, Angler Email, Date, Location, Species, and Length) must be correct and submitted along with the photograph showing the fish, measurement, and secret code.
- A hybrid species will count (except as a white bass), but the species it is submitted as must be specified and clear to determine from the submitted picture. For example, if you catch a hybrid Longear Sunfish x Bluegill, that catch can be submitted as either a Longear Sunfish or a Bluegill, as long as the information is correct and hybrid species are fairly obvious (TFFF will make this determination.)
- The fish MUST be caught in a freshwater body (river, lake, stream, creek, etc.) of Texas.
- Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing reserves to right to deny and/or adjust any submission based on lack of either of required elements, inability to distinguish the fish species or length, or for miss-handling/mistreating of the fish.
- Fish should be caught, measured and photographed, and released as quickly as possible to reduce the stress and trauma to the fish.
- Submissions MUST be received on or before 7:30 pm central time on June 30, 2022, to be accepted.
- This June Four-Fish Fiesta event is meant to be for fun and to challenge you to do something different! Don't lie, cheat, or steel from your fellow TFFF members/competitors. This is an event based off of the honor system. Don't screw everyone over for a a cheep, fun, event. Help show off how great fly fishing and fly anglers are here in Texas! If it is found out that you are cheating, and this can be proven, you will be revoked of your title and banned from any and all TFFF events in the future.
- Goals of the June Four-Fish Fiesta
- To encourage you to fish new waters and for new species. New experiences in life.
- To encourage you to target some BIG fish.
- To display the quality of species we have swimming in the fresh waters of Texas.
- To have fun!
- To be able to brag about your accomplishments.
- Protect the fish! Please do everything you can to protect the life of the fish you caught. Please return the fish to the water as quickly as possible. If the fish is caught in a small body of water or where numbers are low, do everything you can to protect and release the fish with as little damage as possible. If the fish is caught where that species population is stable or overpopulated, it is legal, and you feel like consuming the fish, go for it.
Submission Agreement
To release the rights to your pictures to Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing for the use of the June Four-Fish Fiesta and other promotional items, including, but not limited to: the Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing website, social media and marketing materials.That winners are responsible for all taxes associated with prizes.
To abide by all contest rules, agreements and guidelines.
If you have any questions regarding contest rules, please email texasfreshwaterflyfishing@gmail.com
So, go SIGN UP, plan your strategy, and get out there and fish!!!!
How to WIN!
The Grande Champion of the June Four-Fish Fiesta will be the contestant that obtains the most points possible overall. Points will be earned in the Four, Fish Categories. In the event of a tie, the contestant to first submit their pictures will be crowned the winner.
Four-Fish Categories
- Micropterus: Contestants earn points in the "Black Bass" category by submitting one of the following:
- Submit a Largemouth Bass - 1 point per inch
- Submit a Smallmouth Bass - 1 point per inch
- Submit a Spotted Bass - 1 point per inch
- Submit a Guadalupe Bass - 2 points per inch
- Lepomis Category: Contestants earn points in the "Panfish" category by submitting one of the following:
- Submit a fish in the Lepomis Genus. A fish is worth three (4) point per inch (calculated as best as possible to the quarter inch)
- Bluegill
- Dollar Sunfish
- Green Sunfish
- Longear Sunfish
- Orangespotted Sunfish
- Redbreast Sunfish
- Red Ear Sunfish
- Redspotted Sunfish
- Warmouth
- "Trash" Category: Contestants can earn points by submitting another species of fish (outside of a "panfish or black bass."
- Submit a fish in the "other" category. A submitted fish in this category is worth the following points (calculated to the quarter inch)
- Common Carp (any variant) - 1 point per inch
- Asian Carp (any species) - 1 point per inch
- Gar (any species) - 1 point per inch
- Bowfin - 1 point per inch
- Buffalo (any species) - 1 point per inch
- Freshwater Drum - 1 point per inch
- Other Suckers, Redhorse, and Carpsuckers - 1 point per inch
- Catfish (any species) - 1 point per inch
- Other Fish Category: Contestants can earn points by submitting a species of fish outside of any of the previous categories.
- All species NOT listed will be worth 1 point per inch
- Listed species will be worth the following:
- Rio Grand Cichlid - 4 points per inch
- White Bass (no hybrid), Yellow Bass, Crappie (any species) - 2 points per inch
If you have any questions or concerns, please email texasfreshwaterflyfishing@gmail.com
Peace outside, y'all.
So, go SIGN UP, plan your strategy, and get out there and fish!!!!
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