It's time for another Tuesday Tie! Today we are tying my variation of Matt Bennett's Rio Getter. I use peacock herl for the wing instead of Marabou, but otherwise it is very similar. Be sure to check out his video and his flies at It is a great fly for Rio Grande Cichlids, Bass, sunfish and more. I have had a ton of success on this fly in many variations of colors. Hope you learn something, and I hope you enjoy! Be sure to check back every Tuesday for another Tuesday Tie with TFFF!
- Hook: Size #10 Nymph (can tie on various sizes, brands, and styles)
- Thread: Black
- Weight: Bead Chain (can vary the size, match the fly)
- Tail: Grizzly Marabou in Burgundy (Vary for Colors)
- Rib: Thin Wire in Purple (Vary for Colors)
- Body: Black Dubbing
- Legs: Rubber skirting or Sili Legs in black (match color)
- Wing: Peacock Herl died Purple (matching color)
- Place the hook in a vice and lay a base of thread 1/3 of the way down the hook shank, come halfway up the thread, and then back down to just before 1/3 of the way and tie a bump.
- Wrap on the bead-chain eyes just behind that bump of thread using crosswraps and circles. Place a drop of super glue to hold in place.
- Wrap a base of thread all the way to the bend in the hook.
- Tie in Marabou tail. You can leave the tail long, as you will shorten it later.
- Tie in wire ribbing (with wire sticking out the tail end)
- Apply a small amount of dubbing to your thread and wrap up to the bead-chain eyes. I like to do this in two phases.
- Wrap the wire rib up to the bead-chain eyes, clip and tie it off.
- Tie in legs on on side of the fly. The legs should extend to the back of the body.
- Repeat and tie the legs on the other side. Trim the legs as necessary.
- Bring your thread to the front of the hook, just behind the hook eye. Rotate the fly over.
- Select two strands of peacock herl and cut them to about 1 inch in length. Take another two 1 inch segments from the same strands and tie all four pieces onto the fly, just behind the eye of the hook.
- Select a little more black dubbing and mix it with a little bit of your marabou from the tail trimmings. Mix and add it to your thread.
- Wrap in front and around the eyes with the dubbing.
- Whip finish and tie off.
- Add your fly head cement, and let it dry.
- Take the fly out of the vice, and grasp the marabou tail feathers between your thumb and index finger at the length you want your tail to be. With your other hand, pinch it off.
- Go fish your fly!
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