2022 will be THE BIG YEAR TFFF
I have been wanting to run a contest/tournament like this since way back in 2013, when I held the June Four Fish Fiesta to celebrate my birthday. Then (I believe it was 2014) The Drake Magazine ran their version of a Big Year contest, so I just held off on the idea since someone else still was.
Well, [I think] it has been a few years since The Drake ran their big year contest, and I have been looking for something to highlight just how great the Freshwater Fly Fishing is in Texas, so I decided that this is the year!
2022 with be The BIG Year TFFF.
What the heck is that?
Well, back in 2011, The Big Year, a film staring Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson, came out that brought the big year to my attention. (side note: I like the movie and would encourage you to watch it.) In the world of birding, a Big Year is a challenge to see as many species as possible from January 1st through December 31st of a given year. It has since been adopted by other communities, such as butterfly groups and now fishing groups.
Now that you know what a Big Year is, how will Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing run The BIG Year TFFF?
Well simple, the goal is to catch as many species as possible while fly fishing the freshwaters Texas! This is not a "largest fish tournament" this is a "most species" contest.
Here is how it will work:
Whoever submits the most pictures of different species of fish caught fly fishing in Texas freshwater, that they caught between January 1st, 2022 (today), and December 31st, 2022 (Central Standard Time) will be the Grand Prize winner. There will also be smaller monthly winners!
The Rules
- You must register for this event this year. You can register by signing up for just this Big Year Event, purchasing a full 2022 Membership to Texas Freshwater Fly Fishing, or by signing up for another Membership Options. Registration for this even will close September 30, 2022.
- When you register, you will be sent an email address set up specifically to email pictures of your catch to. All submissions must be emailed to that address and should also include the following information:
- Your name.
- Your email address.
- The date you caught your fish.
- The body of water or location where you caught your fish (this will only be for verification of freshwater purposes.)
- The species of fish you are submitting it as (more on this below.)
- You can ONLY submit a species of fish 1 (one) TIME throughout the year. For example, if you catch a Largemouth Bass and submit it in January, you cannot submit a Largemouth Bass again in any other month. That fish species will count for the month you submitted it, as well as for the year.
- Each monthly winner will be determined by the fly-angler that submits the greatest total number of species during that month. (Remember, if you submit a species one month, you cannot re-submit it to count in a later month.) You are NOT eligible to win more than one month. If a tie in the number of species submitted occurs, the winner for that month will be determined by the first to submit that total. All entries must be received before 11:59 PM Central Standard Time on the last date of that month.
- THE BIG YEAR TFFF winner will be determined by the fly-angler that submits the greatest total number of species caught throughout 2022. If a tie in the number of species submitted occurs, the winner of THE BIG YEAR TFFF will be determined by the first to submit that total. All entries must be received before 11:59 PM Central Standard Time on the last date of 2022.
- For a picture to qualify as a species entry:
- The fish must have been caught by the angler submitting the picture.
- The angler must have caught the fish after they register for THE BIG YEAR TFFF.
- The fish must have been caught using an accepted method of fly fishing. It must be caught on a fly rod, using fly line (yes, Tenkara will count, but no, a spinning reel attached to a fly rod will not.)
- The fish must have been caught during 2022.
- The species of fish must be clearly visible in the submitted picture.
- All the attached info (Angler Name, Angler Email, Date, Location, and Species) must be correct.
- A hybrid species will count, but the species it is submitted as must be specified and clear to determine from the submitted picture. For example, if you catch a hybrid Longear Sunfish x Bluegill, that catch can be submitted as either a Longear Sunfish or a Bluegill, as long as the information is correct and hybrid species are fairly obvious (TFFF will make this determination.)
- A fish (hybrid) can only be submitted for one species. For example, if you catch a Guadalupe Bass x Smallmouth Bass hybrid, you can submit that catch for either a Guadalupe Bass or Smallmouth Bass entry (assuming it fits the criteria), but not for both species.
- The fish MUST be caught in a freshwater body (river, lake, stream, creek, etc.) of Texas.
- This THE BIG YEAR TFFF event is meant to be for fun and to highlight the numerous species we can catch in our freshwaters of Texas! Don't lie, cheat, or steel from your fellow TFFF members/competitors. Just like The Big Year in the world of Birding, this is an event based off of the honor system. Don't screw everyone over for a a cheep, fun, event. Help show off how great fly fishing and fly anglers are here in Texas! If it is found out that you are cheating, and this can be proven, you will be revoked of your title and banned from any and all TFFF events in the future.
- To encourage you to fish new waters and for new species. New experiences in life.
- To display the plethora of species we have swimming in the fresh waters of Texas.
- To have fun!
- To be able to brag about your accomplishments.
- Protect the fish! Please do everything you can to protect the life of the fish you caught. If the species is not eligible to be kept, return the fish to the water as quickly as possible. If the fish is caught in a small body of water or where numbers are low, do everything you can to protect and release the fish with as little damage as possible. If the fish is caught where that species population is stable overpopulated, and you feel like consuming the fish, go for it.
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